Upskilling Training for Teachers - e-learning

The second intellectual outcome - O2 Upskilling Training for Teachers - is a multilingual 'Learning Management' and 'Learning Content Management System' platform for delivering the upskilling course for teachers. The English learning content has been translated into partner national languages and implemented along with additional course components - sets of competences, exercises, assignments, web 2.0 tools, etc. The platform supports social learning and collaboration, the customized graphical  design and house styles, and standard, user friendly navigation tools.

Reactivet Moodle Platform

The Reacti-VET Upskilling Course for Teachers, available in Moodle in four languages

After completing the online versions, we tested the platform by involving staff members from the partners - who are the mentors when piloting the course with teachers. These pilots started in December 2019 in Hungary, in February 2020 in Italy, and in March 2020 in Estonia with more than 120 participants studying blended form. The first face-to-face training days were connected to Multiplier Events in Hungary and Italy.



Module 1. - Data Collection and Analysis Module 2. - 21st Century Teaching Methods Module 3. - Open Educational Resources



Module 4. - Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) Module 5. - Project Management and Collaboration Online



Reacti-VET multilingual learning platform

Link to the Reacti-VET Course